Life of a Law Student : Experiences and Struggles


Life of a Law student 

Law studies focuses on overall every field such as contracts, torts, property, banking, environment, medicines, patents, trademarks, theories, Jurisprudence, interpretation, languages, technologies, taxes, parliament, psychology, business deals, international relations, natural rights, human & animal rights and various other rights and liabilities etc., besides from its core subjects like criminal studies, civil studies and constitutional and judiciary studies. Law is totally depended on Research skills and the outer representation and the confidence and logic a person expresses on the spot. 


A Law student faces a lot of competition in their college life in the ease to be more logistic and confident in research and representation from the other. If you are opting for a law career or is currently a law student than you will find law studies and college very interesting and fun at the same time you will find it toxic. So let me give you a reality check!!!


So in your first year of law you will be too motivated that you will act as if you are already an advocate and try to start the fight first or try to act smart with any non law student or any person who is not an advocate. And whenever asked you would always say that that " i will do litigation or govt job after law and not LLM probably" 


During your course you will be told to do a compulsory internship of 30 days under a lawyer for each year during the period of your course. And you will be too excited for it, but later you will realize that it's impossible to do it during the class days along with studies, so you probably do it during your 1 month vacation and now you realize that you are wasting your vacation on internships rather than enjoying your actual vacationsđŸ˜¶


By the second year you are introduced with compulsory clinic or legal aid, and now you feel a burden because besides your vacation getting wasted even your Saturdays and some free days of the time after your college gets utilized for planning programs and writing your journals.


You get interested in moot court and ADR but often don't get selected as a member but even when you get selected you don't get chance to go for any competitions due to burden of  the exams and overloading syllabus, presentations, internship and the clinic or legal aid. Even if you didn't go for moot court or ADR member selection, by the mid or  end of the year you realize that there is a compulsory moot court and ADR that has to be completed. And incase you go for a competition in other law colleges representing your college you will enjoy it and also get to engage with other law students from other law universities which would be fun.


Incase if you took an integrated 5 years law course such as B.A.LL.B,  BBA.LLB,  B.COM.LLB etc. instead of just 3 years LLB than by your 3rd or 4th year you will quiet be fed of the same and overburden activities


By the end of your last year in law college, you will loose all your confidence that you had in your 1st year as a law student and  you realize that law was real hard study then you expected but feel proud that you are almost getting it complete.


After completing your law degree you realize that you won't get enough salary while practicing as an advocate under a lawyer because you already got that reality check while doing internship during your law course...and now you you don't answer the AIBE entrance and take admissions for LLM and plan to answer AIBE entrance after LLM because someone told you that you can become a law professor and actually earn more than any general advocate struggling.


And now all you want is peace and easy life and keep a second option incase you won't be able to run as a successful advocate.


Overall during your course, you will gain a lot of confidence, skill improvement, logistic thinking, researching skills, debating skills, expressing and argumenting skills, in short you might turn to an extrovert from an introvert and  you will learn a lot of important life lessons and the system of law and world, If you keep you confidence and ambitions high you will enjoy every year of your course and a chance to interact with many people and you can become a good advocate. 

How is the life of a law student?

A Law student faces a lot of competition in their college life in the ease to be more logistic and confident in research and representation from the other. If you are opting for a law career or is currently a law student than you will find law studies and college very interesting and fun at the same time you will find it toxic. So here is a reality check…..

What does law studies include?

Law studies focuses on overall every field such as contracts, torts, property, banking, environment, medicines, patents, trademarks, theories, Jurisprudence, interpretation, languages, technologies, taxes, parliament, psychology, business deals, international relations, natural rights, human & animal rights and various other rights and liabilities etc., besides from its core subjects like criminal studies, civil studies and constitutional and judiciary studies. Law is totally depended on Research skills and the outer representation and the confidence and logic a person expresses on the spot.

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