Definition of Wages Under Industrial Dispute Act,1947

Definition of wages under industrial dispute act, 1947

Section 2(rr) of the industrial dispute act, 1947 defines wages as:-

All the remunerations which are expressed in terms of money are called wages.
When a workman who is employed expressly or impliedly and that workmen fulfills the terms of employment then he is given wages in return.

Wages include :-

1) Dearness allowance.

2) Providing housing, utilities like electricity and water, medical care, or other benefits, as well as discounted food or other items.

3) Any travelling concession.

4) Any commission payable on promotion of sale or business or both.

Wages does not include:-

1) Any bonus.

2) Any amount contributed or to be contributed by the employer to a pension or provident fund, or for the benefit of the worker as required by current laws.

3) Any gratuity payable on the termination of service of workman.

Reference  :-

Textbook - Labour and Industrial Laws, 29th Edition by S.N. MISRA


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